Signs of Society’s Impending Doom: The Warning Signals

Photo by mostafa meraji on Unsplash Throughout history, civilizations have risen and fallen, leaving behind lessons and warnings for future generations.  In the present day, it is crucial to be aware of the signs that may indicate a societal decline or impending doom. While it is impossible to predict the future with certainty, specific patterns and indicators canContinue reading “Signs of Society’s Impending Doom: The Warning Signals”

Good Reads Under Thriller-Suspense

Are you into stories that make you feel different intense emotions all at once? What about books that put you at the end of your seat craving to turn each page until you find out the culprit? If you have checked all the boxes, then you are a thriller-suspense fan. It is a combination ofContinue reading “Good Reads Under Thriller-Suspense”

Revisiting Action-Thriller Novels of the Last Decade

Last week I encountered a book by Frank Heller. The Secret Empress is an action-thriller set in China. It follows the story of a former CIA agent who finds himself in a complex situation involving a boy, a son of a murdered deputy minister. Joe Wilder made a promise to the boy’s mother that heContinue reading “Revisiting Action-Thriller Novels of the Last Decade”

4 Enthralling Thriller Films about Drugs and Thugs

Film has become one of people’s sources of entertainment and enjoyment. Aside from the delight that books, music, and other leisure activities bring, watching movies is more enjoyable for they tell a story visually. There is no need for people to imagine what the characters and the setting look like because they can already seeContinue reading “4 Enthralling Thriller Films about Drugs and Thugs”

Top 5 Thriller Books You Should Not Miss Reading

Thriller is a genre in literature that falls under general fiction. It has numerous subgenres, such as action thriller, crime thriller, psychological thriller, sci-fi thriller, and more. Most stories in this category are dark, suspenseful, deep, and enthralling, which are some of the reasons why readers become hooked to read these novels. Every book inContinue reading “Top 5 Thriller Books You Should Not Miss Reading”

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